On‑Time. On‑Budget. On‑Point.

CRM Development Services

Ready to chart a new course toward customer success? Uitop specializes in custom CRM development. Whether you’re a startup seeking a solid foundation or an established organization looking to optimize, we’ll deliver a perfect CRM system.

CRM Development

The Power of Our CRM Development Services

A perfect fit for your business

Pre-made CRMs often force businesses to adapt their processes, leading to inefficiencies and frustration. A custom CRM eliminates this friction, providing a tool that speaks your business’s language. This seamless integration allows for smoother adoption and a better user experience, increasing engagement and productivity.

Valuable insights at your fingertips

While customer data is valuable, the true power lies in extracting meaningful insights. A custom CRM can be tailored to highlight trends and patterns specific to your industry or business model. These targeted insights can uncover untapped opportunities, reveal customer pain points, and inform strategies that give you a competitive edge.

Flexible to grow with your business

As your business scales, your needs may evolve in unexpected ways. A custom CRM can accommodate these changes, ensuring your investment remains relevant. Moreover, a tailored solution can be easily integrated with emerging technologies, such as AI, preventing costly system replacements.

Projects completed
Verticals mastered
Repeat clients
In client acquisitions
Day to get a result

Automated processes your way

Every business has its own unique operations. With our CRM development services, you can automate your specific processes and set up rules for tasks like assignments, emails, and data updates. This automation smooths out your operations and reduces manual work.

Data validation and error handling

Incorrect data can derail operations and analytics. Uitop builds in custom validation rules, mandatory fields, and error checks to maintain data quality. The system proactively flags issues, ensuring teams enter accurate information adhering to your standards.

Secure access levels

With custom access controls, we ensure only the right people can view sensitive information. We create specific roles and permissions for your teams and employees. Only those authorized can access certain data. This way, you don’t have to worry about privacy concerns.

Custom CRM Solution Development

Custom CRM Solution Development

Seamless connection with other tools

A custom CRM shouldn’t operate in a vacuum. We integrate it with the other software you use, like marketing, accounting, and sales apps. This two-way sync ensures your data flows smoothly across systems. No more manual data entry or copy-pasting across multiple tools.

Always up-to-date information

Outdated data can lead to missed opportunities and frustrated customers. With integrated systems, your CRM automatically updates with the latest details from other tools. New lead from your website? It’s instantly in the CRM. Customer payment received? The record updates right away.

Consistent customer experience

When teams work in silos with disparate data, it creates inconsistencies in customer interactions. But with a fully integrated CRM, all departments have a complete, real-time view of the customer journey.

CRM Integration and Data Sync

CRM Integration and Data Sync

Stay connected on-the-go

Teams can often be on the move, meeting clients, attending events, or traveling. A mobile CRM app keeps them connected and productive anywhere. They can access customer details, update deals, and log activities from their smartphone or tablet.

Optimized for mobile productivity

Mobile apps aren’t just shrunken desktop versions. We optimize the interface and workflows for smaller touchscreens and on-the-go usage. With CRM application development from Uitop, you get tap-friendly menus, voice inputs, and location services, so your teams can work effortlessly from their mobile devices.

Context-aware intelligence

Mobile apps can leverage your device’s capabilities in smart ways. Using the camera, it can scan barcodes or QR codes to instantly link products or assets to customer records. Voice notes get transcribed as text entries, making it easy to capture insights hands-free.

CRM Mobile App Development

CRM Mobile App Development

Make data-driven decisions

Guesswork and gut instincts can only take you so far. To truly optimize operations, you need solid data to back your decisions. CRM analytics empower you with hard facts and metrics to guide your strategies. Identify areas of improvement, forecast demand, and capitalize on emerging opportunities through data-driven insights.

Tailor reports for every role

Different teams need different data perspectives. With our custom CRM development services, you can design role-based dashboards and reports. Sales teams see deal pipelines, marketers track campaign ROI, and customer service accesses case resolutions — all tailored to their specific needs and KPIs.

Data storytelling and shareability

Numbers alone don’t inspire action — context does. Our dashboards enable data storytelling with annotations, text visualizations, and shareable snapshot links. Quickly communicate insights, highlight wins, and rally teams around a data-backed narrative that resonates.

CRM Analytics and Reporting Dashboards

CRM Analytics and Reporting Dashboards
A proven approach to delivering custom solutions

Our CRM Development Process

Uitop follows a clear, collaborative process to build a bespoke CRM solution that fits your needs. From start to finish, our team works closely with you, ensuring open communication throughout.

CRM development process
1. Understanding your business

Our CRM development company begins by learning everything about how your business works. Through meetings and workshops with your teams, we document all your processes, data, goals, and challenges.

CRM development process
2. Mapping out the perfect solution

Armed with a clear picture of your requirements, our architects design the optimal solution architecture. We map out the system’s components, integrations with existing software, data structures, and security measures.

CRM development process
3. Built through an iterative cycle

We build the CRM in a step-by-step, agile way. Our engineers deliver functionality bit-by-bit for your review and feedback. This iterative cycle allows us to make adjustments as we go, ensuring the end product matches your evolving needs. Rigorous testing is conducted at each stage of CRM software development, too.

CRM development process
4. Seamless data migration

If your customer data is spread across different places, we’ll consolidate it into the new CRM. Our experts clean up the data, remove duplicates, and transform it properly. You can be confident that your transition will be seamless, without disruptions or data loss.

CRM development process
5. Training and support

Once the CRM is deployed, Uitop provides training so your teams can start using the CRM confidently from day one. Our support continues with maintenance, upgrades, and dedicated assistance to ensure the CRM keeps up with your changing business needs over time.

The Tech Powering Your Custom CRM

CRM development toolkit

Our team continuously explores and evaluates new tools and frameworks. This ensures we deliver tailored solutions that are not just suited to your needs but also future-ready and scalable.

React Native

CRM Development Cases

Product Discovery Phase Case - 1

How new pipeline view helped to grow CRM

A new pipeline significantly boosted the growth of this client’s CRM system. With improved workflow, enhanced data processing, increased customer engagement, and streamlined sales operations, the company scaled efficiently and improved overall performance.

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CRM Development Case - 2

Switching to a new front-end framework shaped CRM experience

Uitop helped a client switch to a new front-end framework, transforming their CRM. The upgrade boosted UI speed, enhanced responsiveness, and improved usability. This led to a vast increase in user satisfaction and 27% higher productivity in total.

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CRM Development Case - 3

New CRM module in complex construction ERP

We integrate a CRM module into a complex construction ERP system, enhancing client management and project tracking. The new module improved communication, streamlined processes, and provided better data insights, resulting in more efficient project execution.

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“They took extra time to ensure that our frontend developer could easily implement the wireframes.”

Sam Jordan
TrovBase, CEO

“The quality of Uitop’s work was really outstanding. Uitop impressed with the quality of their designs, which received positive feedback from various users.”

Aymeric Halvarsson
Slabstack, CEO

“They took way more responsibility than we asked and we were so happy with the results of all their work. Uitop was easy to work with, flexible, and valuable to our company.”

Neil Hosey
ResHub, CTO

“We were really happy with the whole process. The team’s workflow was smooth; their designers communicated well and responded to questions promptly.”

Lindsay Jones
DropCap Inc, COO

“We’re most impressed with Uitop’s ability to come up with a system to be able to bring design solutions.”

Jordan Girard
Whiterock, Founder

“Uitop delivers high-quality results on time through effective communication. They were patient and easy to work with throughout the development process.”

Alexander Scheck
ReLounge, CEO
Contact us

Why Uitop Is the Ideal CRM Partner

Deep business immersion

We don’t just build software — we immerse ourselves in your business reality. Through intensive discovery sessions, our team learns about your processes inside out. Next, we architect solutions perfectly tailored to your operations — no generic features or workflow compromises.

Creative problem solvers

Off-the-shelf CRMs force you to work around their limitations. With our custom approach, we eliminate these constraints. If an existing process isn’t efficient, we redesign it from the ground up. Our team thinks outside the box to solve your challenges.

Long-term partnership mindset

Uitop is invested in your long-term success. Our team builds lasting relationships and continually enhances your CRM. As your business evolves, so does your solution, ensuring you never outgrow it. We’re partners working towards a common vision.

End-to-end ownership

From planning to deployment, our capable team owns the entire process of CRM system development. There’s no fragmented hand-offs between siloed teams. Issues are addressed swiftly, without miscommunication or delays.

User adoption enablers

Even the best software fails without user buy-in. Our UX experts collaborate closely with your teams during design. The result of custom CRM development is an intuitive solution that aligns with existing terminology and workflows. Comprehensive training reinforces adoption, ensuring a smooth transition.

Constant innovation

Technology changes fast, so you need a partner focused on what’s next. Our team always stays updated on new trends and tools. This forward-looking approach means your CRM gets the latest innovations built-in, helping your business stay ahead of competitors for years to come.


How long does it take to develop a custom CRM?

The timeline varies depending on the scope and complexity of your requirements. Typically, a mid-sized CRM project can take 3-6 months from planning to deployment. We follow an agile approach, delivering core functionality first and then iterating based on your feedback.

Will my team need special training for the new CRM?

Yes, comprehensive training is critical for user adoption. Our experts provide hands-on sessions to ensure your teams understand the system’s features and functionalities. We also develop custom documentation and resources for continuous learning.

Can the CRM integrate with my existing business software?

Absolutely. We design your CRM with seamless integration capabilities. It can connect with tools like accounting, marketing automation, e-commerce platforms, and more.

How do you ensure data security in the custom CRM?

Data security is a top priority. We put in place strong encryption, frequent security audits, and access controls. Your CRM also adheres to relevant compliance standards, like GDPR or industry-specific regulations.

What happens if my business requirements change after deployment?

Your CRM solution is designed to evolve with your business. We provide ongoing support and can implement enhancements or new functionalities as your needs change over time.

Do you provide long-term maintenance and updates?

Yes, our partnership extends well beyond the initial deployment. Uitop offers maintenance plans, regular software updates, and dedicated support to ensure your CRM continues to operate optimally.

Let’s Talk!

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    “They took extra time to ensure that our frontend developer could easily implement the wireframes.”

    Sam Jordan
    TrovBase, CEO

    “The quality of Uitop’s work was really outstanding. Uitop impressed with the quality of their designs, which received positive feedback from various users.”

    Aymeric Halvarsson
    TrovBase, CEO

    It’s Time to Transform Your Business with a Custom CRM

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