How to Redesign an App: Why You Need It and What Is the Process

Design, Product
12 min
Apr 01, 2023

The UI/UX design world is as fickle as the winds of fashion, constantly changing and evolving with the passing of time. What was cutting-edge and thrilling a few years ago may now seem excessive and overwhelming. Conversely, the neobrutalist style, which gained popularity in the 1990s, is now experiencing a resurgence with its unfinished aesthetic and bold typography.

Therefore, keeping your app current and engaging for users is essential. You should follow design trends and implement any necessary updates to achieve this. In this guide, we’ll explore the importance of redesigning your app, taking you step-by-step and discussing the cost to redesign an existing app.

What is redesign?


An app redesign involves a complete upgrade of the appearance and functionality, all to provide users with an enhanced experience. Such a change can have great results like a rise in downloads, increased user engagement frequency and extent, and, consequently, an increase in revenue.

When you need an app redesign

If you’re thinking about redesigning an app, you should know that it’s not all about aesthetics. A successful redesign should also involve improvements to its functionality, user experience, and overall performance. If you really want to know if your app needs a redesign, look at these signs.

app redesign

  • The decrease in user engagement. It can be alarming for any app owner. The shortened session lengths and decline in daily active users indicate it’s high time for a revamp. A redesign is key to reigniting user interest and improving retention.
  • Outdated design. As time passes, even the most innovative designs can lose their allure. This is especially true for mobile apps, whose visual appeal is constantly being refined and redefined. If you feel like your app is becoming stale and uninteresting, it may indicate that you need the UI redesign.
  • Shift in target audience or business goals. A rebranding of your app may prove beneficial if your company has shifted its focus toward a new target audience or business objective.
  • Lack of differentiation from competitors. If your app fails to distinguish itself from similar offerings in the market, a revamp could be helpful here. The UI redesign has the potential to establish an original and imaginative interface that showcases the app’s distinctive qualities, enticing prospective users to try it out.

If you’re pondering the prospect of an app redesign or wondering if it’s the right move for your business, you may be interested to learn about the benefits it could bring.

App redesign benefits

Redesigning apps offers many tangible benefits. Let’s take a look at several of them!

application redesign

Strengthened brand identity

Brand identity refers to the distinct personality and image that a brand embodies in the eyes of consumers. This encompasses a range of sensory experiences, including visual and auditory elements.

The mobile app redesign is an effective way to revitalize and modernize an app’s look and feel. Not only does a redesign attract new users but it also helps retain existing ones by providing an updated and aesthetically pleasing user experience.

Improved user experience

Introducing fresh features or enhancements is a proven method for boosting user engagement. Providing users with novel capabilities makes the app more enjoyable, encouraging them to use it for longer periods of time and more frequently.

Alignment with business goals

Improving an app’s user experience and design can be a strategic undertaking that can drive several business advantages. It can entice users with a more appealing and user-friendly interface, resulting in increased revenue, higher user acquisition rates, and improved user retention rates. In a word, a thoughtful UX redesign can significantly impact an enterprise’s bottom line.

Addressing user feedback

Redesigning an app is a practical approach to addressing user complaints and feedback. Through a comprehensive analysis of user feedback, the app can integrate their valuable suggestions and requirements into a redesign. This ultimately enhances the ability of the app to surpass the users’ expectations and optimize their experience.

Introducing new monetization models

Introducing new revenue models like in-app purchases, subscriptions, and advertising can significantly enhance your profits. The endless possibilities make the UX redesign a highly compelling and worthwhile investment for app developers and business owners alike.


By redesigning your app, you can ensure that it remains up-to-date with the latest trends in technology and design. This will help to future-proof your app, ensuring that it remains relevant and competitive in the constantly changing app market.

Examples of famous brands application redesign

In 2019, Facebook underwent a major redesign with a renewed focus on groups and events to foster community engagement. The refreshed design boasted a sleek and simplistic appearance, featuring enlarged graphical elements and a greater use of empty space.

Spotify app is another example of successful redesign. One of the standout features of their redesign was the fresh “Search” page, crafted to make finding new content feel effortless. The updated “Your Library” section also made browsing a breeze with a personalized touch. Spotify has truly set the bar for what a UX revamp can achieve with these improvements.

In 2021, the Airbnb app also underwent a significant transformation, intending to emphasize local experiences beyond mere rent. The brand new design showcases an exclusive “Explore” section, custom-tailored to the user’s preferences, along with the “Live Anywhere” functionality, enabling people to browse long-term lodgings across various destinations.

How to redesign an app step-by-step

Beginning a new project can be intimidating. However, by adhering to a systematic approach, you can ensure your hard work will yield fruitful results. Here are some must-follow app redesign process steps.

1. Define your goal

Establishing precise objectives is a crucial initial phase in the mobile app redesign. Defining your objectives will help you stay focused on reaching them and ensure that your redesign efforts are in line with your overarching strategy.

For example, if your app is difficult to use or lacks essential features, improving the user experience may be a top priority for your redesign. This could involve simplifying the user interface, adding new features, or improving performance and speed.

2. Listen to user feedback

When you redesign an app, it’s important not to skip the step of looking at what users have to say. Identifying issues and requirements from the users’ perspective allows for well-informed decision-making in plotting improvements for an optimal user experience.

Conducting surveys is a highly effective method for gathering valuable feedback from your users. Utilizing popular tools such as SurveyMonkey or Google Forms, you can easily create and distribute surveys. It’s crucial to craft open-ended questions that elicit detailed responses. However, be mindful of framing your questions in a neutral manner to avoid any potential bias.

3. Study your competitors

Explore the apps of your rivals to learn about emerging patterns, proven strategies, and unoccupied niches. By delving into their work, you’ll gather valuable insight that can help you finesse your own app, beat the competition, and become a standout in the industry.

4. Create wireframes and prototypes

Use wireframes and prototypes to give your redesign a rough draft. These tools provide a way for you to not only see what the new design will look like but also get a feel for how it will function. Best of all, by catching potential issues early on in the process, you can avoid costly mistakes down the line.

5. Conduct user testing

With this step, you can get invaluable feedback straight from your target audience. It not only validates your design solution but also helps you spot potential usability problems.

6. Implement a redesign

Before presenting your refreshed app to the adoring public, it’s recommended to ensure the soundness and sustainability of the design through testing and evaluation.

7. Launch and promote

Utilize dynamic email campaigns and the far-reaching arm of social media to promote the fresh look and feel of your mobile app. By encouraging users to update their apps and share their feedback, you can nurture a symbiotic relationship with your clientele.

Common application redesign mistakes

Reinventing your app’s design is a crucial strategy to stay competitive in a dynamic market. Nevertheless, this endeavor requires careful consideration of the potential pitfalls that may compromise user satisfaction and jeopardize business success. Avoid these common mistakes when redesigning your app:

  • Neglecting user feedback. Disregarding the feedback of your users can prove to be a costly mistake during a redesign. Neglecting to gather and analyze their feedback can result in a design that misses the mark and fails to meet their needs or expectations. So don’t ignore the voices of those who will ultimately be using your product.
  • Interface complexity. An overabundance of buttons, graphics, and information can leave users feeling lost and frustrated.
  • Overemphasizing aesthetics. This move can be counterproductive, as it could potentially lead to a visually impressive yet dysfunctional product. Therefore, aesthetics shouldn’t come at the expense of usability.
  • Neglecting the performance of your app at the expense of design aesthetics must be avoided. This is because a poorly designed app can cause users to become frustrated and abandon it. Ensuring app functionality is as crucial as prioritizing your app’s appeal.
  • Failing to communicate changes to users. Potential confusion and irritability can arise from a need for more communication regarding redesign changes with a customer. It’s crucial to convey any updates or enhancements to your audience to prevent negative consequences.

Finding your way around the complex field of design doesn’t mean you have to struggle alone. By enlisting the aid of a trustworthy design agency, you can effortlessly sidestep the costly mistakes that often come with DIY projects. Rest assured that with expert guidance, your design journey will be smooth from start to finish. But what does it cost to make it happen?

How much does an app redesign cost?

The answer to how much the apps that need a redesign will cost isn’t straightforward, as it depends on several factors. These include the size and complexity of the app, the redesign’s scope, and the design team’s expertise.

Completely redesigning an app may cost from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars. For clear expectations and the best return on investment, it’s important to work closely with a skilled design team to map out the scope and parameters of a redesign.


Whether you’re in a competitive market or trying to remain top-of-mind within your target audience, a well-thought-out app redesign process is a step in the right direction. Users tend to appreciate companies that consider their feedback, as it makes them feel heard and, if done correctly, gives them a sense of ownership over what they helped create.

If you’ve identified weaknesses in your current mobile app and need some help revamping it, don’t hesitate to reach out for support from professionals who are experienced with creating sleek, smooth, sophisticated apps. When you do this, your customers will thank you for listening and recognizing their needs!

by Ivan Klyzhenko
UX Startup Advisor, Uitop


What is an app redesign?

The app redesign is the process of giving your existing application an upgrade, improving its performance, look, and user satisfaction. With this process, you can enhance your app’s visual elements, restructure its layout, optimize its navigation, and add new features.

When do I need an app redesign?

You may need to redesign your app if it fails to hold your users’ attention or if you fall behind competitors with outdated design and features. Another reason for an app redesign is receiving negative feedback about your user interface or overall app experience.

What are the benefits of an app redesign?

Users can anticipate a better overall experience, greater satisfaction, and increased engagement after the redesign. Visually speaking, a modernized and alluring interface reflects the app’s compatibility with current market trends and user desires. Upgraded performance and device adaptability are additional perks of app revamps. As this process also creates a space for feedback-based new features and functions, a redesign ensures continued relevance and competitiveness.

How much does it cost to redesign an existing app?

The investment can vary widely depending on several factors, such as the complexity of the redesign, the extent of the updates, and the location and expertise of the design team. While a simple redesign may only set you back a few thousand dollars, a more complex transformation can cost tens of thousands of dollars or more.

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