SaaS Companies

What Are the Best SaaS Companies?

Product, Startup
15 min
Feb 28, 2023

Over the past few decades, software as a service (SaaS) has evolved significantly. The first SaaS offerings included simple applications, such as customer relationship management and email. Nevertheless, as technology advanced and internet speeds increased, the scope of SaaS grew to include more complex applications, such as human resource management and real estate analytics.

Today, SaaS is a multi-billion dollar industry driving innovation in the technology sector. In this article, we’ll take a look at the key startup SaaS companies leading this dynamic and ever-evolving industry.

Whether you’re a seasoned tech entrepreneur or a curious reader, you won’t want to miss this insightful overview of today’s fastest-growing SaaS startups.

What is the SaaS business model?

The SaaS business model is a subscription-based model that delivers software over the internet. SaaS customers can access the software via the cloud rather than installing it on their own computers. Compared to traditional methods of software delivery, SaaS has several advantages:

saas business model

  • Lower costs. Usually, SaaS companies don’t need to purchase or build expensive hardware or infrastructure since they provide products via the internet. Thus, the software is more accessible to businesses and individuals due to its lower initial cost. In addition, SaaS products are typically subscription-based, so companies only pay for what they need and when they need it. Instead of committing to a long-term contract with high upfront costs, companies can adjust their software costs according to their changing needs.
  • Ease of use. Typically, SaaS companies focus on providing software that is user-friendly and easy to use, without requiring extensive training or technical expertise. As a result, employees can more easily learn how to use the software, and IT departments can better manage and maintain it.
  • Usability. No more bulky software installations. With SaaS, users can access their software from any device with an internet connection, eliminating the need for cumbersome software installations.
  • Automatic upgrades. Unlike traditional software, SaaS vendors handle software upgrades, so users never have to worry about downloading the latest version or compatibility issues.
  • High security. SaaS providers continuously monitor security threats and make sure they’re using the most up-to-date security measures. This reduces the risk of cyberattacks and data breaches.
  • Comprehensive documentation and support resources. Lastly, SaaS companies usually provide extensive documentation and support resources to help customers get the most from their products. From online tutorials to in-person training, SaaS providers are committed to helping their customers use the software with confidence.

All these benefits clearly explain why more and more users prefer best-designed SaaS products over traditional software. As the saying goes, demand creates supply. No wonder, there are currently 30,000 SaaS companies in the world, and new companies that use a SaaS delivery method are founded every year.

So what is a SaaS company, and what exactly does it do? Read on to find out!

What is a SaaS company?

The definition of a SaaS company is pretty close to the definition of a SaaS business model. A SaaS company is a company that simply follows the SaaS business model and offers software solutions to its customers over the internet, usually based on a subscription model.

Examples of already well-known SaaS businesses include Salesforce, Zoom, Dropbox, and Slack. These companies offer a range of software solutions, from customer relationship management (CRM) and productivity tools to collaboration and communication software.

In this article, we focus more on less popular but still promising SaaS companies. In the meantime, let’s find out what makes a successful SaaS company in general.

What makes a successful SaaS company?

Many SaaS companies succeed because they provide users with a convenient and cost-effective way of accessing and using the software. Generally, their success can be attributed to the following factors.

successful saas companies

Strong product offering

Successful SaaS companies have a product that solves a real problem for their customers and adds real value. As a rule, their products are easy to use and well-designed, with a user-friendly interface and intuitive features.

For example, AWS, a cloud computing platform, offers a variety of computing, storage, and database services to businesses. As a leading provider of high-level availability and reliability, AWS ensures easy access to data and applications for its customers.

In addition, AWS is known for its innovation and is constantly launching new products and services that enable users to take advantage of the latest advances in cloud computing.

Customer-focused approach

Customer experience is the key to a successful SaaS company. This means providing excellent customer support, making it easy for customers to get started with the software, and continually improving the product to meet their needs.

For example, Zendesk, a customer service platform, offers 24/7 customer support and assigns a dedicated support team to each customer to ensure they receive personal attention.


Successful SaaS companies are able to manage rapid growth, both in terms of customer base and product offering. This requires a scalable technological infrastructure, efficient processes, and a flexible business model that can adapt to changing market conditions.

Some SaaS companies use automation tools to respond to increasing demand. This helps them avoid getting bogged down in manual tasks.

Data-driven decision-making

Successful SaaS companies know how to make data-driven decisions and use data and analytics to understand customer behavior, optimize marketing and sales, and continuously improve the product.

For example, companies that offer SaaS services can optimize marketing campaigns by analyzing data on customer acquisition costs, conversion rates, and other metrics.

Strong team

For a SaaS company to succeed and grow, it must have a strong and experienced team.

Atlassian, for example, is a software development company known for its strong team culture. The company emphasizes transparency, collaboration, and a focus on customer satisfaction.

Marketing and sales

To reach new customers and grow, SaaS companies employ strong marketing and sales strategies that leverage digital channels and customer intelligence.

Some SaaS companies focus on developing and distributing valuable, relevant, and engaging content (such as blog posts, infographics, webinars, and e-books) to attract and retain customers and position the company as a thought leader in its industry.

Another example of an effective marketing approach is targeting specific customers and decision-makers within those customers to generate more qualified B2B leads and close more deals.

Professional UX design

UX design plays a critical role in ensuring that SaaS companies remain competitive in an ever-growing and changing marketplace. With the right UX design, SaaS companies can differentiate themselves from their competitors, provide a more enjoyable and valuable experience for their customers, and increase engagement and loyalty.

Dropbox, for example, facilitates easy storage, sharing, and access of files from anywhere with its intuitive design. This product integrates seamlessly across a wide range of devices and platforms, making it easy for users to utilize.

These are just some of the factors that contribute to the success of SaaS companies. Investing in these key elements helps SaaS companies achieve long-term success and profitability.

Top 5 SaaS companies

SaaS companies are setting new standards in innovation, offering the best SaaS products that improve the operations of businesses and organizations. Here, we’ll examine the top SaaS startups and companies changing the industry and leading the way.

1. Adwisely

With Adwisely, businesses get a powerful advertising SaaS platform that fits their needs. Business owners can easily create, manage, and track advertising campaigns using Adwisely’s innovative and user-friendly interface.

The platform allows businesses of all sizes to streamline the advertising process. They can target their campaigns for maximum impact, optimize campaigns for maximum engagement, and measure success in real-time using a suite of powerful tools.

Some of these tools enable digital advertising, influencer marketing, social media management, analytics and reporting, and customer acquisition.

Thus, with Adwisely, companies can:

  • Create, manage, and optimize digital advertising campaigns on various platforms, such as Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn
  • Identify relevant influencers
  • Manage the brand’s social presence
  • Measure the effectiveness of the campaigns
  • Acquire new customers through targeted advertising and marketing campaigns

What sets Adwisely apart is its focus on exceptional usability. The platform is intuitive, easy to use, and tailored to the needs of businesses. It empowers them to take control of their advertising and gives the ability to reach new heights of success.

2. Lokalise

Lokalise is a SaaS company that offers a cloud-based translation management platform. The platform helps companies streamline their localization process and manage the translation of their digital content into multiple languages.

Localise’s platform offers a range of features to help companies with translation and localization, including translation memory, translation management, collaboration, automation, and analytics.

The translation management feature allows companies to manage the translation process, including assigning tasks to translators, reviewing and approving translations, and tracking progress.

Another effective feature of Localize allows multiple stakeholders, such as translators, editors, and project managers, to collaborate on the translation process in real-time.

Through high-quality translations, the solution helps companies reach global audiences and expand into new markets.

3. Yac

Yac is a SaaS company that provides businesses with a comprehensive platform for team collaboration and communication.

With Yac, teams can collaborate from anywhere, regardless of time zone or location. It’s possible for them to work together in real-time using a suite of collaboration tools, even when they aren’t physically present.

Yac facilitates team communication and collaboration, particularly through instant messaging, video conferencing, and screen sharing.

Basically, the company provides a SaaS solution that revolutionizes the way teams collaborate. The user-friendly platform and trending technology of Yac allow teams to stay connected, resulting in greater productivity.

4. Hopin

A SaaS company, Hopin, provides a virtual event platform for facilitating online events like conferences, trade shows, and summits. Platform features include live streaming, breakout rooms, and networking opportunities.

Using Hopin, companies can host events without requiring attendees to travel, which is convenient for everyone involved. What’s more, they can save money on venue rentals, travel, and other expenses associated with in-person events by hosting them virtually.

Hopin strives to provide a fully virtual event solution that is as close as possible to an in-person event. Event organizers can use it to create engaging and memorable events that can reach a wider audience.

5. Vidyard

Vidyard‘s SaaS video platform helps businesses communicate effectively and engage their audiences with video. Using Vidyard’s tools and services, businesses can create, host, manage, and measure the impact of video content.

A core feature of Vidyard is its video hosting and management solution, which provides businesses with a centralized location to host, manage, and distribute video. Further, businesses can ensure brand consistency with advanced video player customization options.

Besides hosting and managing videos, Vidyard offers a range of tools for creating high-quality videos. Even businesses with little video production experience can create professional-looking content.

All in all, businesses can improve their video strategy and achieve specific objectives with this platform.

What are the advantages of SaaS companies with a good UX design?

Companies can benefit significantly from an excellent SaaS product design, elevating them from mere tools to enjoyable and intuitive experiences.

Firstly, a good UX streamlines the user’s journey, making it easy for them to complete tasks and achieve their goals without feeling frustrated. As a result, users can complete tasks more quickly and with fewer errors.

Furthermore, a good UX can increase user engagement and satisfaction. The more enjoyable and intuitive the user experience is, the more likely they are to use the product frequently and recommend it to others, helping increase adoption and drive growth.

popular saas companies

A good UX also establishes a stronger connection between the user and the product. It’s more likely that users will stick around if the product consistently deliver a positive experience, making them believe in its reliability and effectiveness.

Last but not least, a good UX can also increase conversions and revenue for SaaS products. An excellent UX increases the likelihood of users signing up for paid plans and staying as customers.

UX plays a vital role in facilitating the user’s journey, nurturing engagement and satisfaction, building trust, and driving revenue for SaaS products. The key to creating a great SaaS product is investing in a great UX.


SaaS is a rapidly growing industry full of innovative and ambitious startups. From virtual event platforms to video hosting and management tools, these startups are offering a wealth of solutions to help businesses drive results and achieve their goals.

For entrepreneurs seeking ideas for SaaS startups, it’s important to keep in mind the key benefits that these platforms can offer. From automating processes and freeing up time to providing valuable insights and staying ahead of the competition, there are many ways in which SaaS companies can help businesses succeed.

So, whether you’re an experienced entrepreneur or just starting out, the SaaS industry offers a wealth of opportunities to create solutions that solve real-world problems. So, why not get started today and start exploring what you can create with our list of top SaaS companies?

by Ivan Klyzhenko
UX Startup Advisor, Uitop


What is a SaaS business model?

The SaaS (Software as a Service) business model is an innovative way for companies to deliver software solutions to customers. It’s a cloud-based delivery method that allows users to access software solutions over the internet, without having to install or maintain the software themselves.

In this model, the software vendor hosts and manages the product, while the customer pays a recurring fee to use it.

What is a SaaS company?

A SaaS (Software as a Service) company is a type of business that provides software solutions to customers over the internet, rather than through traditional, on-premise software installation. In this model, the SaaS company hosts and manages the software, and the customer pays a recurring fee to access and use it.

SaaS companies typically offer a range of software solutions, including business productivity tools, customer relationship management applications, and other enterprise software. The goal is to provide customers with an easy-to-use, scalable, and cost-effective solution for their needs.

What benefits can SaaS products bring to businesses?

SaaS (Software as a Service) products have the power to revolutionize the way businesses operate, offering a range of benefits that are too valuable to ignore. Here are a few ways in which SaaS products can help businesses soar to new heights:

  • Streamlined operations. With SaaS, businesses can automate processes and streamline operations, freeing up time and resources to focus on what matters most.
  • Increased flexibility. SaaS products are designed to be flexible and scalable, allowing businesses to easily adjust their usage as their needs change.
  • Improved collaboration. SaaS solutions often offer powerful collaboration tools that allow teams to work together seamlessly, even if they’re located in different parts of the world.
  • Unmatched insights. SaaS platforms often provide valuable insights into key business metrics, helping businesses make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

Lower costs. SaaS products are cost-effective solutions for businesses of all sizes since they require no upfront investment or ongoing maintenance.

What makes a SaaS company successful?

There are several key factors that can help SaaS (Software as a Service) companies achieve success:

  • Strong product offering. SaaS companies must have a product that meets the needs of their target market.
  • Scalable business model. The SaaS business model is based on recurring revenue, so it’s important for companies to have a scalable model that can accommodate growth.
  • Strong marketing and sales. A strong marketing and sales strategy is critical for attracting and retaining customers. Companies must effectively communicate the value of their product and have a process for converting leads into paying customers.
  • Customer focus. SaaS companies must have a customer-centric approach, prioritizing the needs and concerns of their customers. This can be achieved through regular customer feedback and a commitment to continuous improvement.

Technical excellence. The technology behind a SaaS product must be reliable, secure, and scalable, with a focus on delivering a seamless user experience.

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