Unified App for Schools

FocusED transforms the way parents engage with their child’s education. It is a pioneering mobile app for tracking and supporting homework progress.


We had to design an app that helps students, parents, and teachers with schoolwork. It should be easy to use and create a supportive community. It should also be reliable and efficient for tracking and supporting students’ progress.


FocusED is a simple and effective app. It makes tracking homework and staying in touch easier. It improves the educational experience for everyone. Now, parents receive real-time updates about their child’s progress. Students stay organized and motivated. Teachers can communicate better. It creates a supportive and connected school community.

Ease of use score
Design-to-code success
Screens made
0 months
Launch Time
User retention


FocusED is an easy app. It helps students, parents, and teachers talk and keep track of homework. We talked to many people and tested our ideas. We made sure the app was easy for everyone to use. With FocusED, everyone stays updated, and they can change the app to fit their needs. It’s made school life easier and more organized for everyone.



People often feel confused and unsure about what to do next when they download a new app. This makes them frustrated and some might stop using the app because it seems too hard.


We made a special guide for new users that shows them around the app in a few easy steps. The app uses basic words and images to show how to use its main features and why they are useful. Users can try things out as they go, which makes learning fun and easy.



Students might stop using educational apps if they don’t feel motivated. Keeping track of homework and progress can become a boring task. It’s because there is no sense of accomplishment.


As students complete their homework and hit study milestones, they earn rewards like fun badges. They can also get extra break time or points they can use for app customization. These rewards are simple, fun, and directly tied to their educational goals.



It’s easy for users to feel overwhelmed when trying to keep track of different deadlines, test dates, and school events. Without a clear and organized view of upcoming tasks and activities, it’s difficult to plan effectively. This can lead to missing assignments and unnecessary stress.


The calendar syncs with the student’s homework and test schedule. It shows upcoming due dates, events, and reminders clearly. Users can see their week or month quickly and get alerts for important deadlines. The calendar is interactive, so students and parents can add personal events and set study goals. 

Add Homework


Students and teachers often have a hard time keeping track of homework in different subjects. Without a central place to write and update homework details, things can get confusing.


Students and teachers can easily add new homework assignments. They can include important details such as the subject, due date, and instructions. The information is organized and visible right away for students and parents. This feature also lets everyone stay informed about any updates or additional requirements.

Check Homework


Students and parents may struggle to keep track of completed homework and unfinished assignments. It’s tough to know what to do next, and sometimes work gets missed. This can make students and parents feel stressed and unsure about homework.


Students can add their homework easily. Parents and teachers can review the work. They can provide feedback and assess the student’s progress. This feature helps everyone track homework. It clarifies what is finished and what is not. It helps students, parents, and teachers communicate.



Students, parents, and teachers struggle to communicate without a  messaging system. Notes and updates are important. Sometimes, they get lost or forgotten. This can confuse and make it tough for everyone to help students learn.


Now users can send messages to each other right in the app. They can ask questions, share news, and talk about homework. The chat keeps everything organized, so it’s easy to find and follow conversations. This means everyone can stay in touch better. They can get information quickly and work together to help students do their best.


The interface matches well with the development frameworks. This ensures that the experience is easy for users.





Components Library


The application did not have a centralized system for design elements. Because of this, it was difficult to keep a consistent look and feel across the application. The repetitive work was inefficient and caused small inconsistencies in the design. These inconsistencies affected the overall user experience.


The components library had reusable design elements like buttons, menus, and input fields. These elements were standardized for style, size, and color. Designers could use these pre-made components to quickly build and update interfaces. The components library became a crucial tool for efficient and consistent design.

Problem solving

We spoke with users and heard their problems and ideas. This helped us improve the platform’s design.


Architecture involves planning how the app’s structure supports its features. We made FocusED to give you instant updates on homework, help you communicate effectively, and keep your data safe. The app has a strong structure that makes it run smoothly and handle more features or users in the future.


Wireframing is creating a basic layout of the app’s pages and features. We outlined where buttons, text, and other elements go in FocusED. This step helped us organize the app’s content and features. It made them easy for users to navigate and understand.

Design system

A design system is a collection of design guidelines and components. We made FocusED have a consistent look and feel. We chose colors, fonts, and button styles. Users can learn how the app works and recognize different parts easier. The app becomes more user-friendly.

Prototype & Testing

Prototyping is building an interactive version of the app before the final version is developed. The prototype lets us and others try it and see how it works. We thoroughly check everything to ensure it is both easy and enjoyable to use. If we come across any issues, we promptly fix them.

Customer’s feedback

“Thanks to their professional recommendations and UI design work, the app has received positive feedback upon launch. In general, the team is very competent and professional in what they do.”

Adil Suranchin
CEO, FocusED

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